When Stress Strikes: How to Recognize and Respond to Your Child's Needs?

Manage stress in children with Resiliency Program

When Stress Strikes: How to Recognize and Respond to Your Child's Needs?

Stress and anxiety have become common issues among children. It has been drastically affecting their health and mental state. Stress at an early age kill the innocence of a child.

According to UNICEF, stress is affecting children just as much as adults, but differently.

The world around us is going through constant change. And this change is affecting your kid’s mind the most. Increasing competition, a load of expectations, and pressure to handle multiple things at a time are key factors responsible for increasing stress in children pushing children over the edge of their mental stability.

You need to recognize and respond to your child’s needs before it is too late.

Recognizing Stress in Children

Children show certain signs/symptoms when they are in stress. These symptoms might be similar to or even sometimes different from the common symptoms of stress in working individuals.

We can classify the signs of stress and anxiety in children in three different categories:

  • Behavioural
  • Emotional
  • Physical

Let us have a look at some of these symptoms…

Behavioural Symptoms:

  • Uncontrolled anger
  • Irrational crying, whining
  • Recurring fears
  • Restlessness
  • Stubborn behaviour

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Losing control over emotions
  • Decreased satisfaction
  • Lack of motivation
  • Self-doubt

Your kid suddenly has developed a fear of the dark? Or he/she is so afraid to be alone and always clinging to you? These are also signs that say the child is suffering from stress and anxiety. In such cases, kids are not willing to socialize or participate in school or family activities.

Physical Symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Decreased appetite
  • Sleep troubles
  • Nightmares
  • Recurrent bedwetting
  • Upset stomach

In general, if your child is showing irrational physical symptoms without any diagnosable ailment. It might be due to stress. Even though stress originates at a mental level. But it takes over the physical aspects of your child’s health as well. Severe toxic stress in children might even stunt their mental growth.

How to Help Your Child Deal with Stress

Once you have identified signs of stress in your child, it's important to take action to help them cope. Here are some tips for managing childhood stress in kids:

  1. Initiate a conversation
    The first step is to talk to your child about their feelings and experiences. Assure them that it's normal to feel stressed and that you are available to support them. Encourage open communication to help them feel more comfortable discussing their stressors with you, and provide them with the necessary support.
  2. Encourage healthy coping strategies
    Introduce your child to various healthy coping mechanisms, such as journaling, exercise, deep breathing, or spending time in nature. Assist them in finding a coping mechanism that suits them best. Having a healthy way to cope with stress can make a significant difference in your child's ability to manage stress.
  3. Encourage Positive Self Talk
    Encouraging your child to engage in positive self-talk is an effective way to deal with stress. Help them recognize negative thoughts and guide them to reframe them into positive statements. For instance, instead of saying "I can't do this, I'm so stressed," they can say "I am capable of handling this challenge." Promoting positive self-talk can help your child build resilience and cope better with stress.
  4. Help them get organizedFor some children, stress arises from feeling overwhelmed and lacking control. One way to alleviate stress is by helping them get organized. You can teach them how to create a to-do list or demonstrate how to break down a large project into manageable tasks. Assisting your child with organization can make a significant difference in reducing their stress levels.
  5. Promote healthy habits
    Encouraging healthy habits can significantly reduce childhood stress. It includes consuming a balanced diet, getting sufficient sleep, and engaging in regular exercise. Educating children about the significance of these practices can have a positive impact on their overall wellbeing and help them manage stress effectively in the long term.
  6. Consider professional help
    If you feel that your child is struggling to manage stress, it may be necessary to seek professional help such as therapy or counselling. A trained professional can guide your child in understanding and coping with stress in a healthy way. Seeking professional help can be a crucial step in ensuring your child's mental wellbeing.

The Resiliency Program has great potential to encounter the symptoms and effects of stress in children. You must give it a fair shot to help you out with stress management for children.

7 Proven Strategies to Improve Employee Well-Being in the Workplace

Employee Burnout Statistics 2023: Understanding the Causes & Impact of Burnout in the Workplace

7 Proven Strategies to Improve Employee Well-Being in the Workplace

Employee well-being in the workplace is something that every employer is emphasizing lately. Every business is facing tough competition in the market. Employees are the ones who put in their days to make your business survive the cut-throat market hustle.

Rigorous work puts pressure on your staff at the workplace. It can induce stress among the employees. As an employer, you have to reduce employee stress at work.

You need to ensure employee well-being in every aspect of their work life. Let us have a look at top 7 ways to do that…

Top 7 Ways to Improve Employee Well-Being in the Workplace

Employee well-being has a lot of different aspects. It includes health, good work, personal growth, and financial well-being. You can make a detailed plan to tick all the boxes of a complete employee well-being program.

The following are the key tips that might help you in the process:

1. Keep Communication Seamless

  • Inefficient communication is the top reason for dissatisfaction and demotivation among employees.
  • Try to circulate polls and questionnaires to ask employees about their experiences and most importantly, grievances.
  • Ask questions related to their workload, well-being, and comfort at the workplace.

2. Trust Your Employees

  • Every organization has a comprehensive procedure to hire an employee. Trust your own process by showing trust in the employee you hired through your protocol.
  • Give them more control over their work. Low control over a high-demanding job is among the major causes of work related stress.
  • Allow the employees to do the work in a way that suits them as long as they are meeting your deadlines.

3. Work Recognition

  • Not getting enough credit for the hard work put in is a huge factor that affects an employee’s mental health.
  • Make employee work recognition a part of your company’s culture. It will boost the motivation among your staff to perform better.

4. Offer Flexibility

  • Giving control of their work schedules to the employees can prove to be quite beneficial for the mental health of the employees.
  • You can also offer work-from-home opportunities for the profiles that allow it. Remote work sometimes allows employees to reboot themselves and then start again with the zeal of a newbie.

5. Create Positive Work Culture

  • A positive work culture with a friendly environment is the best way to approach Workplace stress management.
  • You can implement programs for rewarding the hard-working employees. This will be an incentive for them to make better and motivated efforts.

6. Introduce an Employee Benefits Program

  • You can give benefits such as insurance, overtime pay, and gym membership.
  • This will make the employees feel valued by the organization.

7. Introduce Wellness and Fitness Programs

  • Expert-guided programs can help your employees to maintain their mental and physical health.
  • It will ensure Stress Management for Employees and keep them motivated to work with you.

These are the best strategies you can try to implement at your workplace. Furthermore, Resiliency Program is an effective 360 degree solution that ensures physical and mental well-being of your employees. It can help to improve the output of your organization significantly by re-engaging employees for increased productivity.

Employee Burnout Statistics 2023: Understanding the Causes & Impact of Burnout in the Workplace

Employee Burnout Statistics 2023: Understanding the Causes & Impact of Burnout in the Workplace

Employee Burnout Statistics 2023: Understanding the Causes & Impact of Burnout in the Workplace

What is Employee Burnout?

Employee burnout refers to a condition of both physical and emotional exhaustion, leading to reduced productivity, lack of motivation and focus, decreased accomplishments, increasing employee stress in organization and sometimes even a loss of self-identity.

There has been increasing attention on the impact of burnout on individuals and organizations in recent years.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), employee burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that is not effectively managed.

The three main symptoms include

  • Feelings of exhaustion
  • Detachment from work
  • Reduced productivity.

This emotional exhaustion significantly affects employee well-being and is a growing public health concern.

What is the reason for employee burnout?

The Gallup survey highlights five primary causes of employee burnout at work, which include:-

  • Unfair treatment
  • Unmanageable workload
  • Lack of role clarity
  • Lack of communication and support from the manager
  • Unreasonable time pressure

However, this list is not exhaustive, and there could be other reasons for employee burnout. In essence, when employees are under high pressure and unsupported, it leads to burnout.

Why you should care about burnout?

There are several reasons why burnout should be a concern for everyone:

  • Burnout can happen to anyone under the right circumstances.
  • Burnout leads to significant organizational costs such as increased sick leave, higher employee turnover rates, lost revenue, and costs related to hiring and training replacements. Losing burnt-out employees who were previously engaged and productive can be particularly damaging, as can losing managers responsible for teams.
  • Burnout may be a sign of a larger cultural problem within the company, resulting in decreased productivity and job satisfaction.

In recent years, burnout has become more prevalent due to the increasing intensity of certain factors, including the impact of the pandemic. According to a 2021 survey by Indeed, employee burnout has increased by 9% compared to pre-COVID levels. Additionally, only 24% of employees surveyed in 2022 feel that their company provides adequate support to workers, a significant decrease from the 49% of workers who were satisfied with employer support in 2020.

How to recognize and manage employee burnout?

Identifying employee burnout may not be easy, but it is important to look for signs such as exhaustion, disengagement, and reduced productivity. If previously productive and motivated employees are consistently exhibiting these symptoms, they may be experiencing burnout or are at risk of it.

  • Discuss with your Team Member
  • Sort Through the workload
  • Reflect on your behavior
  • Ensure a variety of work

For Example, Sam's manager noticed a change in his behavior at work, such as reluctance to contact existing clients, tardiness and becoming quiet in meetings. These could be signs of employee burnout, but symptoms may vary for each individual, and there may be other reasons for these changes. Therefore, an open conversation is necessary to address this issue. The first thing to do is to reduce employee stress at work.

Employee Burnout Prevention: The real challenge

Preventing employee burnout is crucial, and a proactive approach is better than trying to fix the issue after the fact. As a member of the company's leadership or HR team, there are several things you can do, including:-

  • Organizing workshops
  • Promoting a healthy work schedule
  • Addressing cultural problems
  • Crafting a mental health policy

As a manager, you can also prevent burnout on your team by being clear about roles and responsibilities, meeting with your team regularly, following an open-door policy, respecting your team's life outside of work, advocating for resources, and stopping your employees from overworking. In short, ensuring Stress Management for Employees can significantly reduce the chances of burnout.

Are you concerned about employee burnout in your organization? The Resiliency Program helps organizations prevent employee burnout by providing tools and resources to build resilience, manage stress, and maintain mental health. Investing in the program can reduce burnout, increase productivity and engagement, improve job satisfaction, and help you maximize the benefits of employee health and wellness programs.

How to Increase Productivity of Employees in the Workplace

How to Increase Productivity of Employees in the Workplace

It’s no mystery that happy employees do a better job. But how do we get happy employees? That’s a big puzzle that needs to be solved!

Every organization expects high productivity and performance levels from their employees. But it is necessary to understand, employee productivity doesn’t just come on its own.

It requires practical strategies and regular efforts from employers.

How to Increase Productivity of Employees?

Here are the 10 most effective and proven ways on how to increase productivity of employees.

1. Communication

Two-way communication that involves listening rather than just dictating is the key! If you establish good communication with your employees, you can achieve high employee engagement.

When you talk to your employees, you get to know them better. You can understand their motivation level or if they are facing any barriers.

Employees also feel calm and comfortable with their work if they know they can come to you if they have any questions or concerns.

With clear communication, employees will understand their main roles and spend less time figuring out their work by themselves.

This improves overall productivity!

2. Office environment & supplies

If you want your employees to be happy and productive, then you need to create an environment where they can feel so.

Imagine working on a very serious project with a strict deadline. Now imagine having back pain throughout. Most of your time is spent thinking about the pain and trying to cope with it.

That is why it is crucial to have comfortable seats that offer good posture to the body in the office.

Distractions in the office should be minimum. Concentration can be affected by a noisy office.

Put some plants in the office to create a positive atmosphere. Have good lighting. Motivational quotes and posters can be of great help.

Make sure to keep clean water, good coffee/tea and some healthy snacks for your hardworking employees. Make them feel their work is appreciated.

3. Remove unnecessary meetings

Meetings are necessary for two-way communication between workers. Projects need to be managed and tasks need to be distributed. But too many unnecessary meetings that don’t yield any results are a waste of time and can be demotivating.

Try to have meetings that are actually important and avoid the ones that aren’t.

Smaller messages can be conveyed over email. Think practically, daily meetings especially uninformed ones just take up employees’ time preparing and stressing over them.

Have necessary planned meetings where every participant has something to gain.

4. Provide incentives

When you are worried about how to increase productivity in the workplace, you have to be willing to really put effort and invest in it.

Give your employees something to work for.

Provide incentives to workers who show more productivity and meet deadlines every time. You can hold an employee of the month contest which will motivate them to win. You can offer prizes to the winner.

You can offer two-day vacation packages to the employee that gets employee of the month 3 times a year.

5. Encourage breaks

It is not necessary for your employees to be working every second of their 8-9 hour shift. The only thing they can achieve out of this is getting tired and losing productivity as the day goes on.

Encourage taking 15-minute breaks in the office to recharge. You can have the 90-minute rule where you work for 90 minutes straight with full concentration, then take a 15-20 minutes break to recharge.

Offices like google have fun activities around where workers can go during breaks and release stress. For example table tennis rooms, nap rooms or pool tables.

This encourages a happier attitude in employees and as we know happy employees do a better job!

6. Reduce & manage burnout

The main reason for the decline in productivity of your employees may be that they are going through burnout. Employee burnout is when the extreme amount of stress or pressure at work leads the employee to feel exhausted and unable to feel motivated to work.

Burnout is detrimental to a company’s growth. It hampers employee productivity to a great extent. Stress management in the workplace is therefore very important to reduce the chances of burnout.

You can try out Employee Wellness Programs that help reduce stress and burnout in an organization. They are the most effective ways to manage stress, reduce burnout and boost employee productivity!

7. Give feedback

It is very important for your employees to know where they stand. Not knowing leads to confusion and unnecessary fear.

Give feedback often. Let them know the positives as well as the negatives. Encourage them to improve where they can. Help them solve any barriers they face regarding it.

Feedbacks are a great way to motivate people to work harder! Some people are result oriented and might work with 10 times more efficiency if they know they are being appreciated.

8. Provide the right tools & technology

There are many tasks that do not need to be done manually. We have advanced technology for them.

Regularly research new tools and technologies related to your field of work that can majorly or even slightly help out your employee's work. This will highly help improve the productivity of employees.

For example, there are several tools available for writers online that you can provide your content team. There are several email automation software to create and sent out email templates to thousands of addresses.

Make use of technology and make tasks simpler.

9. Allow remote work

The pandemic has brought us this new way of working from home that almost every company has adopted. Studies show that employees who do remote work show more productivity.

Remote work saves travel time and energy. Employees can feel more relaxed.

Employees are also prone to take fewer sick leaves at home as they can manage it easily, which means more work days.

10. Celebrate achievements & praise employees

It is very crucial for your employees to feel that their work is being recognized and appreciated. Praise your hard-working employees regularly. Let them know how appreciated their dedication is. If their hard work is appreciated, you will definitely see more of it often.

It can be demotivating for workers if they never hear of the results their work has brought. Don’t keep them in the dark. Let them know of their achievements. Celebrate with the team when important goals are achieved successfully.

This concludes our list of ways on how to increase the productivity of employees in the workplace.

Do you know the reason for the decline in productivity of your employees might be due to stress and pressure at the workplace? Many of your employees might be feeling burnout.

Visit - the resiliency program right now and get a personalized plan to reduce stress and burnout in your organization for a boost in the productivity of employees!




How to Reduce Attrition of Employees? - 8 Most Effective Ways!

How to Reduce Attrition of Employees? - 8 Most Effective Ways!

This blog discusses practical strategies for lowering employee attrition in an organization and preserving an organization's most talented employees.

What is Employee Attrition?

Employee attrition is a concept involving employees leaving their jobs in a company. It simply refers to the number of employees who left the organization in a period of time. There are four reasons for employee attrition:

  • Voluntary: when the employee leaves at his own choice
  • Involuntary: when the employee is fired or let go
  • Retirement: when the employee takes retirement
  • Internal Attrition: when the employee transfers from one division to another

High employee attrition is bad for the company. Loss of important talent is an obvious reason along with losing money in their investment and spending hours every week trying to fill the gaps after they are gone. It also produces a bad reputation.

A lot of the time, the main reason for attrition is stressed employees or employees facing burnout. A bad work environment could be a major factor. Such problems can be solved by investing in an employee wellness program.

Check out Resiliency Program to measure stress & burnout at your company and develop a resilience plan to help your employees achieve peak performance.


How to Reduce Attrition of Employees?

Now that you know what is employee attrition, let’s see how to reduce attrition of employees in an organization.

1. Build a healthy work environment

A work environment is a place where all the employees execute their job roles and responsibilities. It does not refer to just the cubicle or seating arrangement, but also how everyone in the company including peers, managers, junior/senior team members, HRs, and bosses interacts with each other.

Building a healthy work environment is about creating an atmosphere in the office where every employee feels comfortable and happy. This can be achieved in various ways.

  • Have comfortable seats which keep a good body posture and offer personal space as well as easy accessibility to peers.
  • Promote healthy communication between employees which is free of rude, offensive or any other negative behaviour.
  • Show constructive criticism that does not affect the relationship between two employees.
  • Availability of healthy snacks/cafeteria for people to be social.

2. Appoint the best team leaders

If your projects are not going as well as planned, can your manager maintain positive team spirit? Can they give constructive criticism without affecting their relationships? Will they offer proper planning and support when it comes to handling workload?

Team leaders and managers play a very crucial role in reducing the employee attrition rate. They largely impact the experience of employees working in the company. Appoint team leaders that can create a meaningful connection with their employees and create a positive impact in their life. Often employees feel stress due to work pressure.

A good manager can help in such cases with proper management of their workload. Hire someone who can offer clear communication on job expectations, organise teamwork, and offer support & flexibility to employees.

3. Promote creative freedom

Give your employees the freedom to be creative. Don’t just order them and drop a deadline. Let them use their own minds and show their creativity. As their boss or manager, you must appreciate it as often as possible. Encourage them to give opinions and respect them. Give them enough time to bring you something of quality. This way employees enjoy their work and find it interesting.

Ask them what they are good at and appoint work accordingly. You can utilize their skills, even more, this way. You will end up with a more enthusiastic environment and fewer employees who would want to quit.

4. Offer promotions & appreciate the employees

One of the main reasons why employees jump to the next boat is for better salary and promotion. And if they can achieve that in their current organization, then what is the need right? If you appreciate the work your employees have been doing and you wish to keep them, then offer them salary appraisals or promotions.

You can promote the trend of internal promotions too. For example, when a manager leaves your company, instead of hiring a new one, you can offer this position to a junior employee who has good experience and you think can handle the demands of the position.

This will encourage other employees to work hard and stay in the company for a similar opportunity.

5. Give them the opportunity to learn

Along with career development, it is also important for the employee to develop their skills. You can offer professional courses and certifications for your employees that help them advance. Hold occasional seminars for training in several skills. Employees who show perfection in certain skills can try out other areas as well. This will keep them interested. They will feel like they are growing the most in your company and would want to stay as long as possible.

Additional Tips on How to Control Attrition

The points mentioned above are the necessary key elements a company needs to have in order to have a good employee attrition rate. After establishing those, here are some additional efforts you can make for more effect.

Tips on how to control attrition of employees

1. Conduct anonymous surveys

Create a survey containing questions regarding the satisfaction of the employees. Ask them how they feel about working here. Post questions about workload, management, salaries, training, skill sets, etc. keep the survey anonymous so your employee can be honest. This will bring you some insights into what you need to improve on.

2. Exit interviews

As your employees exit the company, conduct an interview on the last day to know about their experience. Ask them what they liked and disliked about the company. Understand their reasons for leaving.

3. Talk to new hires about their onboarding

After their probation period ends, have a chat with new employees. Get to know if their onboarding was smooth. Did they understand their roles and responsibilities easily? Were other employees welcoming? Ask about the first impression of the company.

All these insights directly from your employees will help you the most and save your time figuring out what’s exactly needed.

We hope our pointers on how to reduce attrition of employees were helpful to you. If you are worried about your employees being stressed or burnout, if their work is being impacted heavily, or if you are having trouble with high attrition of employees due to these reasons, then definitely cheek us out - https://resiliencyprogram.com/

Employee Wellness Programs

Employee Wellness Programs

Happy employees mean more productivity, more efficiency & less absenteeism

Are you a manager or a human resource employee? Are you tired of working with burnout employees? Do you want to help your employees succeed and stay healthy at the same time? Stressed and burnout employees are detrimental to your company. Any business can succeed if its workers are content and happy. It leads to more growth, substantial returns, and greater profits.

Employee wellness programs are designed to help your employees achieve their peak performance while still getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and eating properly.

What Are Employee Wellness Programs?

Employee wellness programs are referred to as employee health and wellness programs. These programs are designed to evaluate the level of stress and burnout in an organization to help employees achieve the most productivity. By leveraging lifestyle changes, work environment changes, nutritional supplements and mindfulness training, employees can achieve their peak performance.

It is not uncommon for organizations to have employees dealing with exhaustion due to work pressure and a fast-paced work environment. Since work is such a major part of our lives, it is not sustainable for the employee or the organization to work with stress and low motivation.

Employee wellness programs are an initiative that has grown in popularity, with good reason. While initially introduced as a way to help employees stay healthy and fit, they quickly expanded beyond that. Today there are a variety of corporate wellness programs available both at the national and international levels. From yoga classes to meditation retreats, these programs aim to improve workers' overall well-being by offering various types of activities that can help them manage stress, anxiety and depression.

Why you Should Invest in an Employee Wellness Program?

Are corporate wellness programs needed? How useful are they?

Employees undoubtedly are a company’s most valuable asset. Investing in their good health is perhaps one of the most important ways to spend money.

If your employees are unhappy, they are under a lot of stress and pressure due to their work, ultimately it is going to lead to burnout! Employee burnout is when an employee feels exhausted from continuous work pressure and becomes dissatisfied. He then loses motivation to work.

This leads to low productivity in his/her work and more unplanned leaves. he/she is more likely to leave the job in the future.

If many employees in the company are dealing with such issues, it will hamper the overall productivity and growth of the company. This leads to absenteeism. Retaining employees becomes harder as more and more workers may want to quit.

World Health Organization(WHO) has declared workplace burnout an occupational phenomenon. Workplace burnout impacts heavily on organizations. The future of the company is also at risk if the employees feel unhappy and leave.

Learn how to manage stress in the workplace! - Stress Management in the Workplace, Increase the Efficiency of your Employees

Benefits of the Employee Wellness Programs

Corporate wellness programs come to your rescue! These programs aim to reduce overall stress & burnout in the workplace and help employees be at their best efficiency. They do this by leveraging technology with lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements and mindfulness training.

Here are some specific benefits of employee wellness programs.

More productivity in employees

Workers who will eat better, exercise regularly and practice mindfulness will feel happier. They will show more resilience to stress and pressure at their workplace, therefore their work will show a more positive impact as well. Productivity and efficiency will surely keep improving. Improved mood swings of management will also impact positively and create a healthy workplace.

Reduced absenteeism

Generally, employees take more and more leaves if they are feeling stressed or unhappy at their workplace. A better condition of employee mental health will severely reduce absenteeism, which means more working days and more productivity each day!

High employee morale

If you invest in a corporate wellness program, your employees will feel appreciated and valued. They will feel cared for which will build high employee morale. This leads to a more enthusiastic and energetic workforce.

More recruitment

Better reviews and word of mouth about the working culture will bring more recruitment. More candidates will be interested in working at an organization that has a corporate wellness program! When applying, candidates are very interested to know what extra benefits the organization offers. Having wellness programs that inculcate several well-being activities will act as a plus point and attract new talent.

Better employee turnover

If workers are happy and able to work regularly without any issues, they are much more likely to stay in the company. You can keep your hard-working employee for longer. This helps in improving the employee turnover rate in the company.

The Resiliency Program

Resiliency Program is an Employee Wellness Program that addresses the reality of workplace burnout with an insightful, thoughtful and scientific approach. The program evaluates the resilience of employees in a company and provides a personalised action plan to improve resilience and reduce burnout.

The primary goal is to use technology to support individuals and communities in recognising, accepting, and combating burnout syndrome. This includes combining it with dietary changes, mindfulness training, and nutritional supplements.


Join Resiliency Program Today. Happy workplace, a healthy you.

Causes of Stress in Organizational Behavior - How to Manage Them?

Causes of Stress in Organizational Behavior – How to Manage Them?

Stress in an organization is very common. Employees as well as organization leaders often feel stressed due to several reasons. Too much stress is harmful to the organization. If more employees become stressed out, their ability to work efficiently reduces. Absenteeism and employee turnover increase. The employees as well as the company, both suffer. 

Stress management in the workplace is therefore extremely important! But first, a very crucial step in managing stress is to understand the symptoms and causes of stress in organizational behaviour.

Symptoms of Stress

Symptoms of stress can be classified into three categories; physical symptoms, emotional symptoms and behavioral symptoms.

Causes of Stress in Organizational Behaviour

Stress can be caused by a variety of factors. Knowing these factors well will allow you to manage them and build a better working environment for your employees. The following are the main causes of stress in organizational behaviour and tips on how to manage them.

1. Concern Regarding Career

Employees might feel concerned about not growing in their careers due to fewer growth opportunities or feel stuck in the same position for too long.

How to Resolve?
Reward your employees for their efforts. Offer promotions and salary appraisals when deserved. If your employees feel appreciated, it will reduce their stress levels and make them feel they are achieving a positive outcome working in the organization. Give them opportunities to learn and grow in skills. Provide them exposure. You can sponsor learning courses for them as well.

2. Uncertainty of Roles/Responsibilities

If employees feel uncertain or unsure about what is expected of them, and what is exactly their daily responsibilities, they might feel confused and gain stressed.

How to Resolve?
Develop clear communication with your employees. Talk to them more often. Map out their responsibilities clearly and regularly have a meeting regarding them. Let them know what you are expecting and how much time you are expecting it. Just having an open discussion and letting them know you are available for questions can fix this problem.

3. Rotating & Extra Long Shifts

Extra long shifts leave no room for personal time and may even tire the employee to exhaustion.

How to Resolve?
Have balanced shifts. If there is a requirement for your employee to work extra shifts, offer them smaller shifts or paid half-day leaves for later. Make sure they get their rest so they can come back stronger. Rotating shifts should be avoided if the employee isn’t comfortable with them. If rotating shifts cannot be avoided offer them a chance to work from home during some of them. Once again communication is the key. Let them convey to you what brings the most productivity in them.

4. Unexpected Sudden Changes

Too many changes that happen quite often leave an employee feeling unstable and adjusting most of the time.

How to Resolve?
Follow a smooth transitioning process when it comes to changes. For example, if you are changing your employee’s roles maybe because he or she got a promotion, offer them as much help as possible and also give less workload in the beginning. If you are bringing a new team manager or client to work with, have them introduced, talk and get to know each other. If you are making new policies, give prior notice to employees and give them time to adjust. Before making any changes in the offices and cubicles, talk to the employees first.

5. Workload

No one can handle over workload well. Burdening your employee with extra work, making them work extra hours or providing unjustifiable deadlines are some of the obvious reasons for stress.

How to Resolve?
Keep an organized record of your team members’ tasks in one place. You can regularly check which member has how many tasks and delegate further work according. Keep a record of which tasks are getting completed. This way you will always have a clear picture of everyone’s workload. Give employee of the month awards to your team members by evaluating these records and you’ll see so much motivation in them. Give tasks one by one and let them know the focus is quality, not quantity. 

6. Role Conflict

Role conflict refers to when an employee has to perform tasks incompatible with their behaviour, interests, capabilities or moral values.

How to Resolve?
The best thing to do here is to know your employees. Understand which employee is good at which tasks and provide them with work related to that only. Understand the requirements of the tasks and delegate them to someone whose abilities match the best with it. For example, a good communicator can handle client meetings. Someone who talks less can be given work that requires more focus and concentration.

7. Conflicts With Colleagues

Having some kind of conflict such as feeling disrespected or discriminated by your fellow colleagues can cause a lot of stress at the workplace.

How to Resolve?
Stand up for your employees. If you see any disrespect occurring in the office, take action to resolve it as smoothly as possible. Let your employees know they can communicate such problems with HR anytime. Organize small events from time to time or take employees to celebration lunch or dinner so they can socialize. Have small cafeterias and lunch rooms where they can talk. Employees can be a great support to each other when it comes to managing stress.

8. Poor leadership

If leaders at the organization are rude, regularly point out mistakes, and take little to no time to appreciate the employee, It is another reason for stress!

How to Resolve?
Don’t promote a harsh working environment where leaders often scold their employees. Being strict and rude is only going to make the employee dislike the job and leave in the future. Let them know their mistakes nicely and motivate them to work better. Communicate don’t order.

Appreciate the work whenever they deserve it. 

Although stress is an inevitable aspect of life, poor stress management can have a detrimental effect on your business. However, the correct tools and techniques for handling stress at work can increase productivity and help individuals perform at a high level.

A great way to manage stress & burnout of your employees to have them work at their best efficiency is to invest in a good employee wellness program such as the resiliency program.

The Resiliency Program measures and reduces workplace burnout to drive powerful growth.  You can evaluate the resilience of your employees to develop a personalized resiliency plan. An employee wellness program like this will significantly boost your employee’s productivity and job satisfaction leading to high returns and profit. 


Stress Management in the Workplace

Stress Management in the Workplace; Increase the Efficiency of your Employees

You may be aware that we are currently experiencing an era when mental health concerns are being discussed and impacted the most. Even if individuals are aware of the numerous problems related to mental health and how detrimental they may be, they still don't always know how to handle them. Given that so many of us suffer from stress and anxiety brought on by unfavourable job conditions, the workplace is certainly one of the places most affected. We can't just keep going because work occupies such a significant portion of our lives. Living with it is just not sustainable!

Stress can be a major factor hindering your business's performance. It takes a toll on both the employees and the organisation, particularly when it goes unchecked for too long.

Stress management in the workplace is very important. The employees have to be well organised, so they can handle their work efficiently and naturally. If people are under stress and do not feel comfortable or happy in their workplace, the results will be poor productivity levels, a slower speed at work etc., which would not be good for any organization.

Stress is an unavoidable part of life but if you don't manage it well, it could have a negative impact on your health, relationships and career. However, the right training and methods for managing stress in the workplace can help achieve a high-performance level from employees as well as make them more productive.

Negative Impacts of Stress at the Workplace

Stress is not just a mental issue. It can have physical effects on your body and cause problems in your personal life as well. Stress doesn’t allow an individual to function at their top potential but usually makes them less of who they are. It hides one’s actual capabilities.

Some negative effects of stress are:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain (back & neck pain, joint pains)
  • Slow reaction time
  • Forgetfulness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Such effects make it hard to function normally. Extreme pressure or an unfriendly environment hampers productivity and decreases motivation.

Employees when over-stressed cause a lot more absenteeism. Many will be reluctant to work in teams and on large projects. Productivity and efficiency will keep going down. Stress also becomes the reason for the excessive use of substances like alcohol or nicotine.

Long-term issues involve cardiovascular diseases and immune system problems. Vitamin deficiency is yet another negative effect. Surely, Such problems will throw a company’s health care cost through the roof.

Let us look at ways to manage stress effectively in your workplace so that your employees are happy and work efficiently, as well as enjoy their work.

Effective Stress Management in the Workplace

Your employees are one of the most crucial components in taking your organization to success. The happier they are, the more efficient their work is and the faster you’ll grow! This is one of the key ways large companies today have reached such success. They invest in employee wellness programs.
Trust me, spending on your employees is never a cost, it’s an investment that yields fruitful results for everyone!

Worried about how to manage stress in the workplace? We offer you the best strategies that are the most productive!

Employee Wellness Programs!

One of the best and easiest ways to do this is to invest in an employee wellness program such as the resiliency program. This program is designed specifically for reducing workplace stress and burnout.

The focus is on improving the happiness and productivity of an organisation by evaluating the current state of its employee’s mental health and providing an action plan.

Firstly, the mental state of the organization’s employees is measured. After reaching a conclusion, an action plan including lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, mindfulness training and workplace changes are provided.

If you are looking to reduce stress and burnout in your organisation and want your ROI to shoot up once again, be sure to check out The Resiliency Program.


Encourage Exercise and Nutrition

Exercising regularly and eating healthy are the two best options when dealing with stress in the workplace. It releases endorphins and takes your mind off work. Encourage employees to take small walks during lunch breaks. You can even organise small marathons for the employees which they will enjoy. Sponsor their gym memberships or organise a yoga session once or twice a month.

Provide healthy snacks for your employees at the office. This will also make them feel cared for and appreciated. Make sure the fridge is filled with good coffee and healthy snacks!

Flexible Hours and Remote Work

Often employees get the feeling that they are being locked up in a cell as they have to punch in every morning at the right time and cannot leave until work ends. This can severely result in negative moods and stress. Also, achieving a positive attitude is possible when an individual has time for a morning routine where he can wake up and complete all morning tasks easily. Having strict regulations on arrival time can hamper that.

It is recommended to allow flexible work hours that focus more on the quality of work in a timely manner rather than the presence of the employee within the office. Remote working is also something every organization is offering now.

Changes in the Workplace

Making sure your hard workers are comfortable is another step to achieving a stress-free environment. This involves good seating arrangements that keep their posture correct. Bad postures lead to back and neck pains which is quite inefficient.

Let your employees have some personal space whenever needed. This could be increasing the height of cubical walls or making separate places for lunch, having a cafeteria, or meeting rooms.

Cafeterias will also improve social interactions among employees which can have a positive impact as well.

Promote Fun in the Office!

As bizarre as it may sound, this is perhaps the most effective way to reduce stress and create a happier environment. Bring some table tennis or pool tables in the office where employees can take short breaks. Involve indoor games!

Organise fun events and parties for workers to socialize. You can also include ‘No Meetings Monday’ or ‘Pizza Party Fridays’ every week. Include unique days every week for some excitement.


A lot of the time stress and burnout often happen due to employees feeling overburdened or not having clear directions. They feel all over the place when they lack proper planning. This is where management comes to the task. Having clear communication on how your team is feeling mentally and keeping their tasks organised is very crucial.

Managers can regularly have a talk with team members about their stress and burnout to help manage accordingly. Even issues such as bullying, discrimination or disrespect can be avoided with good control by the hierarchy.
A proper way of handling the workload should be implemented. Burdening the employees with too much work should be avoided.


Stress management in the workplace is very crucial. Stress often leads to low productivity, decreased efficiency and absenteeism. Long-term issues involve cardiovascular and immune diseases. Stress and burnouts are detrimental to an organization’s growth. If the employees aren’t happy, surely their work will be affected. Hence it is very important to manage the mental health of employees. Stress management in the workplace can be done in many ways as mentioned above. You can invest in employee wellness programs for the best results! Hiring professionals to do what they do best is always a great option. Check out the resiliency program.